Useful terms

GermanEnglishDescribtion / Information
ProjektProjectA public or restricted tender featured on the "Vergabemarktplatz"
ProjektraumProject space

The so called 'virtual' project space is a closed and secured space where tenders are handled.

It serves as a communication and transaction platform for both the public authority and the participating companies. This includes the possibility to download tender files, communicate with the tendering authority and submitting electronic offers (if applicable).

Projektübersicht /
Project overview /
Project lists
Provide an overview of all projects the company participates in. They are sorted by status (e.g. "Freigeschaltet", "Einladung" etc.)
From here users can open their accessible project spaces.

The "Vergabemarktplatz" differentiates between two types of users:

  • "Benutzer ohne Administratorrechte" (Users without administrational rights): These users can search for and participate in projects.
  • "Benutzer mit Administrationsrechten" (Users with administrational rights): In addition to searching for and participating in projects, these users can also add further users to the company account as well as edit the companies account data.
AktionActionCorresponds to elements that cause actions such as opening a project space or archiving a project. Actions are usually availble in the action column ("Aktion").
ModulModule / sectionCorresponds to a menu item in the "Vergabemarktplatz" or the "Bietertool".