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  1. Click "Ich möchte den Account des Unternehmens schließen" to close the company account (see number 6 in screenshot "Übersicht Modul Unternehmen").
    IMPORTANT: It is impossible to restore a company account once it has been closed. All data (profiles, users, projects) will be irretrievably lost. After an account was closed, a new account with the same name can be created.

  2. If the account is to be closed, the user is asked to verify the decision by ticking the "Hiermit stimme ich der Schließung des Unternehmensaccounts zu" box (see number 1 in screenshot "Account schließen").

  3. Click "Account schließen" to finalize the action (see number 2 in screenshot "Account schließen").

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Screenshot: Account schließen