The requirements for invoicing are described in detail on the Deutsche Bahn website DB Portal: Things to know about XRechnung. Here we describe how to create a DB compliant XInvoice with our web application.
Please note the additional requirements for XInvoices directed to DB listed below. You can then send the XInvoices that you generate with our web application to the DB by e-mail.
Invoice recipient / Invoice recipient’s contact details (BT-56, BT-57, BT-58)
The DB Buyer reference (1) is 992-90009-96 and is valid for all German DB AG companies according to the above page.
In addition, please enter in the fields
Information on invoice recipient / Invoice recipient’s contact details / Name (BT-56 ) (2)
Information on invoice recipient / Invoice recipient’s contact details / Telephone (BT-57) (3)
Information on invoice recipientr / Invoice recipient’s contact details / E-mail (BT-58 ) (4)
the data of the DB employee placing the order (name, telephone, e-mail address).
Invoice details / References / Purchase order reference (BT-13)
DB rejects invoices that contain information under Invoice details / Delivery date (BT-7) (1).
If you have a DB order number, please enter it in the field Invoice details / References / Purchase order reference (BT-13) (2).
No further details may be entered here. It is sufficient to enter the digits after the last slash of the order number (xxx/xxx/xxxxxx) here.
Delivery date (BT-72) or billing period (BT-73, BT-74)
The specification of the billing period or the date of delivery or performance is a requirement of § 14 UStG.
DB rejects invoices that include information under Invoice details / Delivery date (BT-7).
Instead, the fields Delivery / Delivery information / Delivery date (BT-72) or Delivery / Delivery information / billing period (from) (BT-73) and Delivery / Delivery information / billing period (to) (BT-74) should be used.
Either delivery date (BT-72)
Delivery / Delivery information / Delivery date (BT-72) (1)
or billing period (BT-73, BT-74)
Delivery / Delivery information / billing period (from) (BT-73) (1)
Delivery / Delivery information / billing period (to) (BT-74) (2)