System requirements Vergabemarktplatz

A computer with an Internet connection and browser is required to use the application. Moreover, for security and display reasons, it is recommended to use a standard Internet browser.

The use of the Vergabemarktplatz is released by cosinex GmbH with the following Internet browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 (or higher)
  • Mozilla Firefox version 20 (or higher)
  • Google Chrome in its current version
  • Apple Safari version S 5 (or higher)

Further conditions and settings are listed below:

  • The execution of JavaScript must be allowed.
  • Temporary cookies must be enabled.
  • The browser must support secure SSL connections.
  • The browser must display the character set ISO-8859-1 (Western European), which is the default setting.
  • All current security updates and the latest service packs for the operating system should be installed.

In Internet Explorer the setting "temporary Internet files" must be set to "Never" via the menu item "Tools - Internet options" (tab "General") in some rare cases. To set the setting to "Never" is necessary if old data is displayed in the browse

System requirements Bietertool / tool for bidders

Installation and execution of the tool for bidders require a current Java runtime environment. Administration rights on the PC are required for the installation as well. Whether a current Java Runtime Environment is installed on the computer on which the tool for bidders is to run can be checked at the following website:

If no corresponding runtime environment is installed, it can be downloaded from here:



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